Yet, they will occur dispite everyone’s attempts to prevent them because many of us are still making the transition from the textile lifestyle. Male physiology makes it impossible for a guy to remain entirely flaccid throughout the day.
Most kind guests at a beach or resort are terribly embarrased by erections and are asking for suggestions on this newsgroup on how to prevent them and how to gracefully make your way out when they do occur. A lot of us who are new to this life would also enjoy some assurance the problem will decline with time and better understanding.
A G string is . Complete nudity is the standard state for guys together with girls. We need to learn new thinking and behavior, not return to the fabric world’s manner of viewing things. I have never seen male G strings for sale anywhere. Even if I could find one, I’d not wear it. Many naturists and fair minded cloth people would consider it more sexually provocative than mere innocent nudity.
A libertine or may occasionally drift into a nudist bunch, but I am not talking about them. Most naturists desire such individuals evicted from polite society.
I do consider it is useful to discuss etiquette and basic biology. I wish I’d learned some of these lessons when I was a lad, maybe of middle school age. It is not rational for kids to suffer in ignorance and silence because adults are too embarassed to talk about the facts of life and about fundamental nudist etiquette, even the less delicate subjects.
It’s been suggested that a public forum is unsuitable for such honest talks, because children may stumble upon it. I am hoping that parents and teachers are closely monitoring the Internet usage of children and providing some guidance to teens. I firmly believe that at some age, perhaps middle school, boys and girls should be reading the kind of info in this newsgroup and have their parents there to guide them through these topics that they’ll shortly be confronted with at the cusp of adolescence. To support my contention, I must call attention to the truth that INA has created a thread specifically to discuss problems like this.
We continue publishing stories shared by our subscribers that are female – young naturist girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time
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To GalSurfer: I am especially worried concerning the sensitivities of the female contributors to this newsgroup. I would like to assure you that I am opposed to sexual “flaunting” as you place it, since it’s demeaning and intimidating to those people who are forced to tolerate it. I think some of us made a poor choice of words by saying “arousal” without immediately explaining that in its mildest form, it might not be perceptible to the casual onlooker. I don’t understand any men of good will who would not fast retreat from public view if issues took a turn for the worse. If any readers do not understand how to behave, this forum can help immediately bring “newbie” conduct in line with our community’s standards. Improved to learn it here than on the seashore!