a film we headed back to her area and we walked into the living room simply to find her nude mom sleeping on the couch. She’d believed that her mom would still be at work just to realize that Mother just worked a half shift that day, had come home, stripped naked, had a few glasses of wine and fallen asleep watching TV. She gets up drunk and disoriented from slumber and only matter of factly introduces herself to me. I am figuring that since it’s only her and the daughter living there nudity might be cool between them but http://voy-zone.com/nudist-video-sample.html is not OK with some unexpected lad seeing her nude and might flip out once she wakes up a bit more and recognizes that she’s naked. I start attempting to develop an interest in looking at the wall next to me and apologize to her while my date says “she doesn’t care” and starts laughing at me. Turns out they were nudists; at the time I ‘d never been to a nudist place or been nude infront of lots of individuals in any way. After that we ended up all being nude at their apt a lot.
Another time I was at home in the afternoon and my roommates were both at work. I decided to clean my toilet and take a shower.
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Click to viewI always clean the toilet nude so I don’t have to worry about getting water or cleaning compounds on my clothes. I go to the kitchen to get the mop and pail and on the way back I come around the corner only to be face to face with my roommate’s GF, who’d stayed over the previous night and had been in his room. We both apologized, thinking that we may have offended the other and promptly laughed about it when http://videonudism.com understood that she wasn’t offended by my nudity and I wasn’t offended by her having viewed mine.